What is Navigate Counseling Clinic?
Navigate is a free clinic offering holistic counseling services to individuals, families, and groups utilizing evidence-based and innovative interventions.
What services does Navigate offer?
The following services are available:
- Assessment and treatment planning
- Individual and group counseling focusing on addictions and mental health issues
- Case management to assist in accessing community resources
- Career counseling and job search assistance including vocational evaluation
Who will I see when visiting the clinic?
Navigate’s qualified professionals are faculty and doctoral and graduate students, whose credentials include licensed clinical mental health counselor (LCMHC) and associate (LCMHC-A), licensed clinical addiction specialist (LCAS) and associate (LCAS-A), certified rehabilitation counselor (CRC), and/or certified vocational evaluation specialist (CVE).
Who is eligible for services?
We serve adults who work at or attend ECU or who live in the surrounding communities.
How does a client sign up for services at Navigate?
Clients may call Navigate at 252-744-0328 to register.
4410 Health Sciences Building
Greenville, NC 27834
How much do services cost?
There is no charge for our services.
Navigate Counseling Clinic Core Values
Person-centered and strengths-based orientation
Therapeutic relationship
Client self-determination
Individualized services
Inclusive and accessible
Open to all
Culturally sensitive and competent services
Integration of knowledge and practice for counselors-in-training
Developing leadership in professional practice
Continuous quality improvement
Training and supervision of team
Using evidence-based practices to generate practice-based evidence