About Us

American Racism

06-08-2020 DARS Statement on American Racism

06-22-2020 BIPOC Alumni Letter to DARS

06-22-2020 DARS Response to BIPOC Alumni letter

08-04-2020- DARS Update on American Racism

07-10-2021 DARS Reaffirmation of Anti-Racism and Anti-Bigotry

08-10-2021 Update on Actions Towards Anti-American Racism

09-13-2022 Update on American Racism


Our mission is to support the health and well-being of individuals and communities through innovative and socially just research, training in an anti-racist, anti-bigoted, and accessible environment, providing culturally affirming and person-centered services, and advocating for an equitable and inclusive society.


The objectives of the Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies Department are to provide students with the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to function effectively, which include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • knowledge and appreciation of the traditions, foundations, history, and philosophy specific to the fields of clinical mental health, addictions, and rehabilitation counseling, and rehabilitation services;
  • classroom, community, and personal experiences with clients/consumers in order to develop awareness and sensitivity to client/consumer needs from an individual, community, and multicultural perspective;
  • knowledge of counseling theories and techniques that support culturally affirming client/consumer empowerment, and enhance the client’s/consumer’s ability to take control of and better manage their life;
  • clinical counseling services to individuals, family members, and groups of persons with disabilities (physical, addictions, and psychiatric/mental health), and other issues that limit their ability to function at personally satisfying levels;
  • case management skills including coordinating, planning, and implementing treatment plans to assist clients/consumers in taking effective control of their lives in a manner consistent with their cultural identity;
  • career assessment, development, and counseling including knowledge of job placement, labor market trends, and development of client/consumer-focused plans designed to enhance client/consumer independence and personal choice;
  • multicultural, psychosocial, and medical aspects of disability emphasizing how community, socio/cultural, family, and psychological well-being impact the client’s/consumer’s ability to effectively cope with life experiences;
  • applied research methodology and program evaluation for examining and/or developing theories, concepts, and approaches for improving professional practice.

Technical Standards

The DARS has established the following technical standards for the admission, matriculation, and graduation of students. Students are expected to meet these standards with or without reasonable accommodations. These standards will be referenced during student performance evaluations (see program student manual). Specifically, students will commit to:

  1. Recognizing their own influence on others by:
    1. Examining how their values, words, and actions influence others.
    2. Appropriately responding to feedback regarding the influence of their values, words, and actions on others.
    3. Developing and demonstrating an anti-racist and anti-bigotry perspective.
  2. Developing a working alliance with clients and others by establishing and maintaining relationships based on shared objectives and goals.
  3. Developing professional relationships by establishing and maintaining collegial professional relationships.
  4. Accepting and using instructor/supervisor feedback by:
    1. Completing industry standard methods of instruction/supervision.
    2. Incorporating instructor/supervisory feedback into own views and changes behavior accordingly.
  5. Adopting innovative ideas, approaches, and/or procedures.
  6. Adapting to changing demands in the professional environment, with or without direction.
  7. Managing conflict by:
    1. Recognizing conflicting points of view.
    2. Examining their own role in a conflict.
    3. Participating in conflict resolution.
    4. Implementing agreed upon resolution.
  8. Expressing feelings effectively and appropriately.
  9. Ability to accept personal responsibility by:
    1. Accounting for their own role in problems.
    2. Accepting consequences and making appropriate changes.
  10. Adhering to relevant University rules, professional ethical codes, and legal standards.
  11. Understanding the consequences of criminal behavior on matriculation through a DARS program and/or obtaining professional credentials.
  12. Utilizing computer technology and University learning platforms when required.